Monday, January 2, 2012

Elena (Russian: Елена)


Language - Russian
Country   - Russia
Year- 2011

Director :  Andrey Zvyagintsev.

Actor  : Nadezhda Markina as Elena

The story of a middle aged Nurse and her Old Husband. The motherly relationships with her son in the first marriage and the relationship struggles. The Path People take to attain a life they want..even if it means taking some one's life...the thin line of rights and wrongs... The Director uses Silences and still shots brilliantly to keep the mood..a Russian winter of emotionless reality descends to your mind when you are in the movie....

Beautiful Scene Sequences..stunning Camera..intricate..Good feel movie...The use of Urban Landscapes ,silences and still shots to convey great meanings..The same level of turbulence after watching this too..same experience when we watch his earlier two movies.

(Earlier two movies of Andrey Zvyagintsev.- The Banishment. & The Return.)

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